The Green Free Library, Wellsboro PA

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Behind every good man…

Today, June 19, 2011, is Father’s Day! This is the day children of all ages honor their fathers or other nurturing men in their lives, thanks to the efforts of one woman. Sonora Smart Dodd spent over 62 years fighting to establish a holiday for all fathers after creating the celebration in honor of her own father, William Jackson Smart. Though this is not the first indication that fathers were honored by their children, Sonora’s dedication and perseverance led to the establishment of a recognized national holiday on the 3rd Sunday in June. The first official Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington. Father’s Day is also celebrated on other days throughout the world.

The director and staff of The Green Free Library would like to wish all fathers and fathers-to-be, a Happy Father's Day!!


  1. The story of Mr Smart and his daughter is indeed a lovely one. However, I doubt that the photo of the baby and gentleman could possibly be of Sonora Smart and her father, as she was born in 1882, ... long before colored photography,neck ties in that style and horn rimmed spectacles. Respectfully.

  2. LOL! Finally after a year someone noticed. This was posted as a test, along with other bits and peices throught the year to see if anyone actually noticed the errors.William Jackson Smart actually died in 1919!! Kudos to you for noticing and a WARNING to all about how long things stay on the Internet!
