The Green Free Library, Wellsboro PA

Monday, October 12, 2009


Can we get a big BOO! for PA state government officials? Except our own Matt Backer of course who voted against it. The state budget finally passed Friday, 101 days before the deadline. Though not the drastic fifty plus percent cut that was in the works, the State Library has been hit hard, and funding to individual libraries has been cut at a time when usage has almost doubled in some areas. More people than ever have been using public libraries since the recession hit. With the rising cost of well, EVERYTHING!, borrowing books and movies, or stopping in to read a magazine or the newspaper have become daily routines for many new and established library patrons. Not to mention using the public computers to access the Internet, catch up on e-mails, or job hunt and print off a resume. How the budget cuts will affect our library are yet to be determined. Less money means something has to be cut somewhere, whether it is the services we provide, or the hours we are in operation.

Don't forget to send in your donation for the annual appeal if you received a letter. If you didn't get yours, it's probably because we got a couple of hundred back for bad address's. We will still be more than happy to accept your monetary donations, just stop by The Green Free Library Monday thru Thursday between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM, or Friday and Saturday between 10:00 Am And 5:00 PM and leave a check, cash, or promise of future support. We will give you a big Thank You, and a receipt for your taxes.No amount is too big, or too small. If you can't afford to give a monetary donation, The Friends of the Green Free Library are always collecting gently used books, DVDs, CDs and whatnot for the yearly sale held in June. Please do not bring in encyclopedias, magazines, Reader's Digest condensed books, or textbooks, as these items do not sell and it actually costs the library money to get rid off.

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