The Green Free Library, Wellsboro PA

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Last week I traveled to Harrisburg for the Spring MUG meeting. MUG stands for Millennium Users Group. Millennium is the program that The Green Free Library uses for cataloging and circulation. It also provides the online card catalog that is accessible in the library, and via the library’s website. Yes, you can and may access the card catalog of items that the Green Free Library owns from your very own home.

You can also set up your own My Millennium account that will allow you to see when your items are due; if you have fines on overdue material, and several other options including being able to request books for possible purchase for the library.

You will find that this is a marvelous tool once it has been set up.

Setting up your own My Millennium online access account.

Go to the library’s website at

On the left hand side of the opening page you will find a list of links in button form

Click on the "Catalog" button

Click on "My Millennium"

Enter your last name, then your first name with no punctuation. Please enter this information exactly as it appears on the application card you filled out at the library. If your name on the account is James, you must enter it this way; do not enter Jim or Jimmy.

Enter the barcode from the back of your library card, be sure to include the GFL prefix in capital letters and use zeroes not the letter O!

Leave the pin number box blank and click submit.

Follow the guidelines to establish a pin number. This can be in numerical or letter format. It is up to you. No one but you has access to the combination you set. The library’s staff does not see the actual word or numbers, it sees only an encrypted version. Unfortunately, this also means library staff cannot tell you your pin number if you forget it, they can only reset the option to allow you to re-enter a new pin.

Accessing you My Millennium account.

Go to the library’s website at

On the left hand side of the opening page you will find a list of links in button form

Click on the "Catalog" button

Click on "My Millennium"

Enter your name as it appears on your account, barcode and pin number.Once again library staff cannot tell you your pin number if you forget it, they can only reset the option to allow you to re-enter a new pin. If you have forgotten your pin number call the library at 570-724-4876. You must have your library card number for verification purposes.

Why use a My Millennium account?

Once you have established you’re my Millennium account, you have several options.

You may set up your account to keep track of your reading history. Many people like to keep a record of what authors they have read, or book titles in a series. The Green Free Library does not keep this information on record because of privacy issues. Once a book on your account has been checked in, the library has no record of you checking it out. With the My Millennium account, you can start to keep track of what you have already checked out. (This information starts compiling on books checked out only after you have set up an account and opted in to this feature.) To set up this option, and keep your borrowing history:

Go to the library’s website at

On the left hand side of the opening page you will find a list of links in button form

Click on the "Catalog" button

Click on "My Millennium"

Log into My Millennium

Click "My Reading History"

Click "opt in"

You may also renew books online, after you have set up you’re my Millennium account.

Go to the library’s website at

On the left hand side of the opening page you will find a list of links in button form.

Click on the "Catalog" button

Click on "My Millennium"

Log into My Millennium

Click on "Checked Out Items" to view your account

Click the box next to the title

Click "Renew Selected Items"

If, after you have completed these steps, you are unable to renew items, you may receive a message to contact the library. This may be because the item is already on hold for someone else, or because you have fines that must be paid prior to renewing an item. It may also be that you have checked out an item that simply cannot be renewed. VHS tapes, DVDs, magazines, and 7-day books are not renewable and must be returned on time, or fines will accumulate appropriately.

Another option you may choose to utilize after establishing you’re my Millennium account is to put books on “B”. This option is usually used for bestsellers and popular works that are recently published. Once the library has the book in its catalog, follow these steps to place a hold (this simply means if the book is already checked out, you will be adding your name to the list of patrons desiring to be contacted when the book is returned, and their name comes up in the list as wanting to borrow it):

Go to the library’s website at

On the left hand side of the opening page you will find a list of links in button form.

Click on the "Catalog" button

Click on "My Millennium"

Log into My Millennium

Click on "Search Catalog"

Search for the book you want

Select the title

Click "Request" at the top of the page

Then click "Submit”

Patrons may also utilize this option on books in the catalog that are not currently checked: If after browsing the catalog you have a list of books you would like to borrow, place them on hold and library staff will have them waiting at the Circulation desk the next day. This option is only available for books in print and audio for, Magazines and movies may not be placed on hold.

If the item you would like is not yet available in the catalog, you may still come into the library and fill out a slip requesting your name be added to the list. These slips are located on top of the shelves were the new books are places, next to the current NY Times Bestsellers list and the list of books on order.

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