The Green Free Library, Wellsboro PA

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Here are more photos from the Summer Reading Program at The Green Free Library!

Monday, June 27, 2011


Please enjoy these photos from the first session of the 2011 Summer Reading Program "One World, Many Stories" at The Green Free Library.


The Summer Reading Program continues at The Green Free Library.
Don't forget to log your minutes!



Wheels on the Bus with Dave Wishard-Learn about bus safety and bus fun!


Bermuda Cruising with Leslie Wishard & Jim Mapstone-Hear about a cruise through the Caribbean.

Adult Knitting
3:30 PM in the main room of the library. All levels welcome. Beginners will receive assistance.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Stop in and visit The Green Free Library. The library is located at 134 Main Street.

Hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday from 10:00 AM until 8:00 PM and Friday & Saturday 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM. (The library will be closed July 2-4).

Cards are available to anyone with a current PA drivers license/state issued ID, current Military ID,or a Civilian ID from the Tioga County Courthouse. Residents that own property in Tioga County but do not have a PA DL must bring a tax notice or deed. Others without the required identification may put down a refundable $25 deposit; photo ID still required.

You must have a library card (with no fines) to use the Internet. A guest card will be provided to non-residents in the area for up to two weeks. Anyone requiring Internet acess for longer than two weeks must get a library card, or purchase an Internet Access Only card for $5. Identification will still be required, and you must be over 17. Free Wi-Fi is available sans printing capabilities. A Keycode is available at the Circulation desk.

Friday, June 24, 2011


The following DVDs have been added to the collection at The Green Free Library in memory of Sonya Nearhoof Hafer by her Husband Paul Hafer. They are available to checkout by any adult cardholder for a period of one week. There is a limit of four DVDs at a time, per adult card, and you must have your permanent card to check out movies of any kind.

Monday, June 20, 2011


The Summer Reading Program starts Wednesday June 22, 2011 at The Green Free Library! The theme for this year’s event is “One World, Many Stories”. If you haven’t registered yet there is still time. Come to the library, or click here. Please, no phone registrations. Walk-ins are welcome, but pre-reg is appreciated to make sure enough supplies are available. All events take place on Wednesdays at 10:15 AM. Please come a few minutes early to sign-in and so as not to interrupt the presenters during their program. Kids in grades K-6 will meet at the Gmeiner (behind the library), while Preschoolers meet in the main room of the library.


Take a Hike with Wild Asaph Outfitters-Hear stories about shoes and traveling by foot. (PRESCHOOL)

Ready to Travel with AAA-Learn how to prepare for a trip. Bring in a photograph of yourself to make your summer reading passport! (K-6)
As always (once the program starts) there is also a chance to earn prizes by reading and recording the books and minutes that you read. Logs may be kept online, once you have completed your minutes, print out your certificate and bring it to the library to receive your reward. Or, pick up a reading log at the library and bring it back when it is complete. All participants are also entered for a chance to win one of the grand prizes donated by local businesses and merchants.

Adult Knitters will meet at 3:30 PM in the library. All levels are welcome. Beginners are encouraged and will receive assistance!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Behind every good man…

Today, June 19, 2011, is Father’s Day! This is the day children of all ages honor their fathers or other nurturing men in their lives, thanks to the efforts of one woman. Sonora Smart Dodd spent over 62 years fighting to establish a holiday for all fathers after creating the celebration in honor of her own father, William Jackson Smart. Though this is not the first indication that fathers were honored by their children, Sonora’s dedication and perseverance led to the establishment of a recognized national holiday on the 3rd Sunday in June. The first official Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington. Father’s Day is also celebrated on other days throughout the world.

The director and staff of The Green Free Library would like to wish all fathers and fathers-to-be, a Happy Father's Day!!

Friday, June 17, 2011


The Following DVDs have been recently added to the collection at The Green free Library.Some are new, some are new to us! Don't forget the library accepts donations of gently used DVDs in the original case for the library. If you are tired of your Christmas presents, donate them to us and share the joy with others.


The Green Free Library will be closed on Saturday, June 18, 2011 for the entire day. Local patrons know its not a day to come anywhere near the library, and visitors beware!The popularity of the Arts & Crafts on the Green, both on Friday & Saturday, and the Laurel Festival Parade on Saturday make parking a nightmare.


Despite frequent showers and terrible traffic, the Friends of the Green Free Library report a semi-successful booksale total of $6752.89. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped throughout the year to make it happen.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Stop by The Green Free Library soon to register your child for the Summer Reading Program. There are seperate tabs for Preschool, School Age and Teens. Or, sign you self up for the adult Online Reading Program. You just may win a prize! Click here to register, and for additional information. Please do not call the library to register, as passwords must be created and this can't be don over the phone. The program starts Wednesday June 22, 2011.

Monday, June 13, 2011


The Green Free Library has recently added the following titles to its collection. Stop by soon to check-out a book or video, or to just read a magazine in the air-conditioning!



10th Anniversary by James Patterson MP3CD PAT

The Delta Solution by Patrick Robinson MP3CD ROB

A Lesson in Secrets by Jacqueline Winspear MP3CD WIN



The Most Human Human by Brian Christian 128 CHR

63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read by Jesse Ventura 320.973 VEN

On China by Henry Kissinger 327.51 KIS

Wicked Plants by Amy Stewart 581.65 STE

David Crockett the Lion of the West by Michael Wallis 921 CROCKETT

The Captain by Ian O'Connor 921 JETER

In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson 921 LAR

Stories I Only Tell My Friends by Rob Lowe 921 LOWE

I'm Over All That by Shirley MacLaine 921 MACLAINE



A Conflict of Interest by Adam Mitzner ADA

The Jefferson Key by Steve Berry BER

A Time for Patriots by Dale Brown BRO

The President's Vampire by Christopher Farnsworth FAR

Pocket-47 by Jude Hardin HAR

22 Britannia Road by Amanda Hodgkinson HOD

Black Friday by Alex Kava KAV

Blood Trust (McClure/Carson ) by Eric Van Lustbader LUS

Graveminder by Melissa Marr MAR

Trader of Secrets (Paul Mandriani) by Steve Martini

The Snowman by Jo Nesbo NES

Buried Prey by John Sandford SAN

The Final Storm by Jeff Shaara SHA

Those in Peril by Wilbur Smith SMI

Vaclav & Lena by Haley Tanner TAN



A Drop of the Hard Stuff by Lawrence Block MYS BLO

Homicide in Hardcover by Kate Carlisle MYS CAR

If Books Could Kill by Kate Carlisle MYS CAR

The Lies that Bind by Kate Carlisle MYS CAR

Murder Under Cover by Kate Carlisle MYS CAR

Claire Dewitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran MYS GRA

Kiss Her Goodbye by Mickey Spillane (Max Allan Collins) MYS SPI



The Chaos Crystal (The Tide Lords Book 4) by Jennifer Fallon SF FAL

WWW.WAKE by Robert J. Sawyer SF SAW

WWW.WATCH by Robert J. Sawyer SF SAW



Aunt Dimity and the Family Tree by Nancy Atherton LP ATH

Hiss of Death by Rita Mae Brown LP BRO

One of Our Thursday's is Missing by Jasper FForde LP FOR

The Kenken Killings by Parnell Hall LP HAL

Serendipity by Cathy Marie Hake LP HAK

Against the Fire by Kat Martin LP MAR

Sarah's Gift (Pleasant Valley) by Martha Perry LP PER

Treasons at Lisson Grove by Anne Perry LP PER

Quicksilver by Amanda Quick LP QUI

Buried Prey by John Sandford LP SAN



Desperados by Art Isberg W ISB



Computer Gaming: Programmers & Artists by Helen Ginger YA 794.8 GIN

Youth Fencing: Drills, Strategies & Games Handbook by Bob Swope YA 796.86 SWO

Bitter End by Jennifer Brown YA BRO

Matched by Ally Condie YA CON

What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen YA DES

The False Princess by Eilis O'Neal YA ONE

Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt, Gary D. YA SCH

Teeth Edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling YA TEE

Sarah Emma Edmonds Was a Great Pretender by Carrie Jones



(Illustrated by Mark Oldroyal) J 921 EDMONDS

Irena Sendler and the Children of Warsaw Ghetto by Susan Goldman Rubin (Illustrated by Bill Farnsworth) J 921 SENDLER


Exile (The Lady Grace Mysteries) by Grace Cavendish J CAV

Haunted (The Lady Grace Mysteries) by Grace Cavendish J CAV

The Unseen World of Poppy Malone: A Gaggle of Goblins by Suzanne Harper J HAR

A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine J LEV

Girl's Best Friend by Leslie Margolis J MAR

The Candy Makers by Wendy Mass J MAS

The Miracle of Santa Maria by I.J Parnham J PAR

Jake Ransom and the Howling Sphinx by James Rollins J ROL

Jake Ransom and the Skull King's Shadow by James Rollins J ROL

Nerd Camp by Elissa Brent Weissman J WEI

Inncorrigible Children of Ashton Place: The Hidden Gallery by Maryrose Wood J WOO

Inncorrigible Children of Ashton Place: The Mysterious Howling by Maryrose Wood J WOO



Little Pink Pup by Johanna Kerby E 636.4 KER

What to Expect the Second Year by Heidi Murkoff & Sharon Mazel E 649 MUR

At This Very Moment by Jim Arnosky E ARN

Tweak Tweak by Eve Bunting (Illustrated by Sergio Ruzzier) E BUN

Ice by Arthur Geisert E GEI

Hooray For Amanda & Her Alligator by Mo Williams E WIL

Dream Big Little Pig! by Kristy Yamaguchi (Illustrated by Tim Bowers) E YAM

Thursday, June 9, 2011


The annual Friends of the Green Free Library opens to the public, today, at 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM. Friday hours will be the same. Saturday the sale will run from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM. There is a special $3-a-bag (any size) event on Saturday. You may bring your own bag, or get one at the door. The sale is held in front of The Green Free Library, and in the fellowship hall of the church nextdoor.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Registration is open for the Summer Reading Program at The Green Free Library. Please use the online form, or stop by the library to register. No phone calls please, as a password must be created.


Friends Members are invited to a special Friends Members Only preview of the book sale on June 8 from 3-6 PM. Again this is for Friends Members (having a library card does not mean you are a member-it is a separate organization!). You may join at the door. Membership fees are $5 Bookworm (under 18), $10 Reader (Individual), $25 Booklovers (Family) $50 Instructor (Sustainer), $100 Professor (Patron) and $200 Dean (Benefactor). Please make checks payable to Friends of the Green Free Library

Adult Knitters will meet at 3:30 PM at the library. All levels are welcome.

The booksale opens to the public at 10:00 AM and runs until 6:00 PM!

The booksale opens to the public at 10:00 AM and runs until 6:00 PM!


$3-aBag Day from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM